
run with me


This is a personally run site. It is not TSA sponsored. There is no posting of any SSI/FOUO/PII on the site.

Run with Me - Another Way to Mark TSA's 10th Birthday.


Dana Hoff


Dona Hoff ran the Long Beach Turkey Trot 10 K race on Thanksgiving morning.

She completed it in 70 minutes.

I didn't really train at all for this race. I work out regularly in the gym but running is really a whole different thing. As long as your body will allow you can totally do it. It's ALL mental. I just put on my tunes and let my mind go as I ran.

I wasn't in a hurry, I kept a comfortable pace. My goal was to run at least 4 without stopping and before I knew it I was on the last mile so that motivated me to pick up the pace to the finish line!

My ultimate goal for the next year is to run the LB half Marathon. Now that I will probably have to train for!!