
run with me


This is a personally run site. It is not TSA sponsored. There is no posting of any SSI/FOUO/PII on the site.

Run with Me - Another Way to Mark TSA's 10th Birthday.


What is 5K?


You CAN do it. Don’t let the fear of coming in last deter you. It is still better than all the people who never try.

Completing a 5K race is a powerful but realistic fitness goal for people of all fitness levels.

A 5K run is the perfect challenge for anyone. It's big enough leap to test your physical and mental resolve but not so far that it requires obsessive amounts of training to meet the demands.

Consider running your first race simply for the experience of it, to get an overall feel for what a race is like. Select a 5K race 3-4 months in advance.

The whole experience will be unlike anything else.