TSA has distributed new uniforms and will soon issue budges to TSOs but police officers are not pleased. They worry that their own authority will be undercut.

According to Elio Montenegro, a TSA spokesman the new uniforms and badges will convey authority to passengers and reflect the seriousness of screener's duties. Many believe that badges will also be issued to boost morale.

"A lot of cops at airports are not real thrilled about it," said Duane McGray of the Airport Law Enforcement Agencies Network, an airport police association. "It's another way of saying to airport police: “You're not important” he added.

Paul Mason, chief of the St. Louis International Airport police warned: "There are going to be some growing pains on the part of the (screeners) and police."

TSOs will get badges after finishing a two-day training program covering issues related to badges as well as how to talk to passengers in a calming manner.

According to TSA Deputy Administrator Gale Rossides TSOs will be barred from wearing them when they are not working.

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